Within the space of a century, antibiotics have gone from being a ground-breaking discovery and saving lives of millions during World War Two, to losing their effectiveness and making routine procedures such as childbirth and cancer treatments life-threatening again.

We live in a connected world where people, animals and food travel, and bacteria travel with them. AMR is a collective responsibility, and needs an orchestrated response across countries and sectors. 

In September 2024, during the UN General Assembly in New York, leaders from governments, industry, financial institutions and scientific organisations will come together for a UN High-Level Meeting on AMR. This meeting offers a timely opportunity for global leaders to unite to overcome one of the biggest health challenges facing our society today.

In the lead up to this meeting, the Ineos Oxford Institute for antimicrobial research (IOI) and the British Association for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (BSAC), along with the UK's All-Party Parliamentary Group on AMR are working with governments around the world to provide up-to-date evidence about the spread of AMR and offer sustainable solutions to tackle this threat. 

We believe that engagement with countries who share the highest burden to co-create solutions to tackle AMR; global investment to develop new antimicrobial therapies and diagnostics to ensure the appropriate use of antibiotics; and educating the next generation of policymakers, scientists, farmers and member of the public about AMR are crucial to arrest and reverse the impact of AMR around the world. 

No time to wait: Countries around the world join the call for action against AMR