The IOI Governance and Steering Group fulfils the oversight duties of the MPLS Board (as trustees of the MPLS Divisional Fund).
The IOI Governance and Steering Group is also intended to provide some of the governance and compliance support that would usually be provided by a host department.
Professor James H Naismith FRSC FRSB FRS FRSE FMedSci MAE
Jim is the former Head of Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences (MPLS Division), University of Oxford.

Professor Stephen Faulkner
Stephen is the Head of Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford.

Professor Tim Coulson
Tim is the Head of Department of Biology, University of Oxford.

Professor Dame Carol Robinson
Carol is the Director Kavli Institute, University of Oxford.

Professor Heidi Johansen- Berg
Heidi is the Director of the Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging, Medical Sciences Division, University of Oxford.