Multidisciplinary Approaches to AMR

To mark World Antimicrobial Awareness Week 2022, IOI organised a conference aimed at Early/Mid-Career Researchers, titled “Multidisciplinary Approaches to Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)”.

Celebrated annually between 18 to 24 November, WAAW aims to increase awareness of AMR. To mark the occasion, the IOI is organizing a scientific conference aimed at postgraduate students, PDRAs and other Early/Mid-Career scientists working in different areas of the AMR field, so they can get together to hear about exciting recent developments in this area, and to have the opportunity to share their own research.

The conference will feature speakers from a diverse range of disciplines, including microbiology and genomics, social sciences, chemistry, biochemistry, economics and environmental sciences. Our goal is to build connections between AMR researchers, particularly those within Oxford, and better understand how we can use interdisciplinary approaches to combat the growing threat of AMR.